Thursday 27 March 2008

I can not say that I have a person that I admire. It's rather difficult for me because many actions of different people make me exciting and I respect them. I don't have any idols because I think every person has own life and must make decisions him-or-herself.
But I read a book "Pride and prejudice"("Гордость и гордыня") by Jane Osten some months ago. And I really like the main charachter, Miss Elisabeth Bennet. I can not say that she made something unussual, for example, saving people's lifes, helping poor children or suffering for her believes. But I liked her character and her life principes. She is rather interesting, confident, intelligent young girl, but not so pride.Elisabeth very good understandes people and tries to help them. Of cource, as any person, she makes mistakes, but inspite of this she can own and corect them.
I think, it's a good quality,because all people make mistakes,but not all - understand it and try to correct these mistakes.They are so proud... Also I admire this girl, because she can forgive many things and forget bad situations.It's rather important too because there are so much evil,negative situations in our life, that's why if you can forgive,you are very happy.But it's only my opinion.


Yulia Ch said...

Dear Irene!
I liked your post. It's very pleasent that you think over what you read, analyse and have an example to follow. Do you think that your heroine is a model for modern girls?

Iris said...

May be,there are some girls like my heroine nowdays, because I think that the mostly modern girls don't have such strongly principes as Elisabeth has.Also I suppose not so much people can see and analyse their mistakes and be patient to other people!