Monday, 17 November 2008

About entertainments...

There are so many different entertainments now such as television, Internet, fashion magazins, theatres, cinemas, exhibitions, clubs and others.
As for me, I absolutely love watching films, and it's no matter where I watched them: at home on computer and DVD-player or in cinema on big screen. I like all kinds of films eccpt documentary and science.
In last time autor's films or films in style art-house have become realy interested for me. They are so unussuall and I admire of actors, sciptwriters and especcialy camra-operators. Because it's difficult to make so wonderful scenes. For example, I watched film "8 femmes"("8 women') by Fransua Ozon. It's fantastic and pofessional work, I find. On the on hand, it's so funny, but on the other hand, it's seious and thougthful.
Also I want to tell you about such films as "My blueberry nigths" and "Pais I love you". I think these films are very tender, romantic, simply and composit in the same time. I watched them no one time, and every time I cry!=) So I think that such films are great works of art, because it makes people feel and livewith carachters.

1 comment:

Yulia Ch said...

Irene, thar's all very interesting, thanks for sharing. But before publishing your stories check them for grammar and spelling mistakes. And use good idiomatic language that we study at the lessons, not only simple words that you learned a long time ago.